What is a cervix?

The cervix is the lower part of the uterus in females. It is the narrow passage that links the uterus and the vagina. The cervix is cylinder-shaped and isn’t very large, only about 3-5 centimeters thick and 2-3 centimeters across.

What does your cervix do?

The cervix creates cervical mucus according to your menstrual cycle. The cervix can also widely dilate (open up) for childbirth, and slightly open up during your menstrual cycle to allow your period blood to flow through.

Why is your cervix position important when using a period cup?

A period cup will need to sit just under the cervix in order for the cup to collect the menstrual blood. Generally, the cervix will sit above, or in some rare cases, can sit inside the period cup comfortably.

It is possible to choose a period cup without knowing your cervix height, but of course, it helps to be better informed about your own body! Especially when beginning to use a cup for the first time.

If a period cup pushes against your cervix it can be very painful and put you off using a period cup. This is fairly common with new users. Alternatively, if the cup moves too far up, you may have difficulty reaching it when the time comes to removing your cup.

When should you check your cervix position?

Cervix positions can change during a woman’s cycle, so the best time to check your positioning would be during your period. Of course, this will be messy, but it would help you to choose a perfect cup and also it is always worth knowing your own body!

  • You should check it several times over several days, at roughly the same time each day during your period days.
  • Do not check your cervix position before, during, or straight after intercourse or sexual arousal as this may cause the cervix to change positions. The vaginal canal can also length and widen during this time.
  • If you currently have a yeast infection or any other kind of vagina infection, you should wait until it is completely cleared up before checking your cervix position.
  • Do not check your cervix while lying down as this will not be accurate. Let gravity do its thing!

How do you check or measure your cervix position?

Make sure your hands are clean before attempting to check your cervical position. You may also need to cut your nails to ensure you don’t accidentally scratch yourself!

Find a comfortable position that will make it easier for you to reach inside and find your cervix. You can either squat or lift one leg up onto the toilet seat or the edge of a bathtub. You might want to do this even during your shower when you are most relaxed.

Put your fore or middle finger into your vagina, and try to reach the end of it. The vagina will be soft and squishy, which you can pass through, and the cervix will be where your finger stops. The cervix may feel like the tip of your nose, soft but firm and rigid. 

Take note of how far your finger is inside the vagina. Use the ‘Knuckle Rule.’

The “Knuckle Rule”

Low Cervix

If you can feel your cervix and your finger only goes in at your 1st knuckle or where your finger bends at the top, then you have a Low Cervix!

Medium Cervix

If you can feel your cervix and your finger goes in further to reach the 2nd knuckle or about half of your fingers, then you have a Medium Cervix!

High Cervix

If you can barely reach your cervix and most of your finger is inside your vagina, then you have a High Cervix!

Why is this important when choosing a period cup?

Knowing the rough position of your cervix will help determine which period cup will work best for your body. Liana period cups come in a range of sizes, shapes, and diameters, and the choice can be overwhelming. Especially for a first-time user. Having the best-suited cup for your cervix height is important. This will ensure you minimize any leaking as it fits better for your vaginal canal.

The Bottom Line

Once you have measured your cervix, you should be able to know whether you have a high cervix or medium or low cervix. 

If you have a low cervix, you need a cup with a shorter body and shorter stem. So the cup doesn’t touch your cervix at the same time the stem doesn’t come out from the vagina. If you use a lengthy cup you will feel pain whenever the cup will touch your cervix. Liana low cervix period cup is the best choice if you have a low cervix. It is shorter in length with a short stem having medium firmness is a perfect fit for those who have a low cervix.

If you have a higher cervix, a longer cup is more suitable for you. If you use a short-period cup, it can ride up during the course of the day, and you may find it difficult to remove since it is deeper in your vaginal canal. Both Liana beginners and silky soft period cups are the longer cups available, and are great if you have a high cervix!

For medium cervix, you can use any of the above cups. Just remember you can always trim the stem of the cup according to your own need if you find it uncomfortable.